Breastfeeding is a beautiful journey, but it can also come with challenges, especially in those early days. Finding a comfortable and successful latch is key for both you and your baby.  The good news is, there’s no single “right” position – every mom-baby pair finds what works best breastfeeding position. 

Popular breastfeeding positions to get you started:

  1. The Cradle Hold: This classic position is a great go-to for many moms, particularly newborns.  You cradle your baby close, arm supporting their head and neck, with their body facing yours. Their tummy should be against yours, promoting skin-to-skin contact. This position allows for easy control and good visibility to ensure a proper latch.


  1. The Cross-Cradle Hold: Similar to the cradle hold, but with your baby nestled across your body, supported by the opposite arm. This can be helpful for babies with torticollis (a stiff neck) or those who have trouble turning their heads towards one breast.


  1. The Football Hold: This hold is like a quarterback cradling a football under their arm. Perfect for newborns with latching difficulties or moms with larger breasts.  With your baby tucked under your arm, their head resting near your breast, it allows for better control and deeper latching.


  1. The Side-Lying Position: This cozy position is ideal for nighttime feedings or relaxed lounging.  Lie on your side facing your baby, with pillows for support.  Your baby can then nuzzle in close, latching comfortably.


  1. The Laid-Back Position: This relaxed approach allows gravity to assist your baby in latching.  Recline comfortably, with your baby lying on your tummy. Let your baby lead the way, rooting around and latching on naturally.

Tips for Success:

Comfort is Key: Experiment with different positions until you find one that feels natural and supportive for both you and your baby.

Proper Latch: Ensure your baby’s mouth is wide open and they have a deep latch on both the nipple and surrounding areola.

Support: Pillows can be your best friend for positioning and comfort. Use them to prop up your arms, support your back, or elevate your baby.

Skin-to-Skin Contact: This is essential for promoting bonding, regulating baby’s temperature, and improving milk production.

Finding the Perfect Fit:

While breastfeeding positions are crucial, having the right breast pump can also play a significant role in your breastfeeding journey. Hygeia Health offers a range of high-quality breast pumps designed for comfort, efficiency, and discreet pumping.

Ready to Apply for a Free Breast Pump?

Many insurance companies are required to cover the cost of a breast pump under the Affordable Care Act.  Hygeia Health can help you navigate the insurance process and determine if you qualify for a free breast pump through our simple online application.  Visit our website at Hygeia Health website to get started today!

By finding a comfortable breastfeeding position and having the right support system in place, you can embark on a successful and rewarding breastfeeding journey.