Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and Beyond

Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and Beyond

World Breastfeeding Week may be coming to a close, we have only kicked off National Breastfeeding Month, with the theme of “Nourish, Sustain, Thrive”. While all breastfeeding is celebrated this month, this blog post will highlight the specific awareness weeks that will be taking place. Let’s acknowledge the unique experiences of different communities and learn how we can better support them.

Indigenous Milk Medicine Week

Dates: Aug. 8-14

Indigenous cultures have long recognized the healing properties of breast milk. Indigenous Milk Medicine honors this tradition and emphasizes the importance of cultural sensitivity in breastfeeding support. Learn more.

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week

Dates: Aug. 15-21

The Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community faces unique challenges, including language barriers, cultural expectations, and limited access to culturally competent care. Raising awareness and providing culturally appropriate support is essential. Learn more.

Black Breastfeeding Week

Dates: Aug. 25-31
Black women have lower breastfeeding rates compared to other racial groups. Addressing systemic racism, providing culturally sensitive care, and creating supportive communities are crucial steps toward improving Black breastfeeding outcomes. Learn more. 

Workplace Lactation Awareness Week

Dates: Sept. 1-7 

Supporting breastfeeding mothers in the workplace is essential. Creating lactation rooms, offering flexible work arrangements, and providing education on breastfeeding and pumping can make a significant difference. Learn more. 

By working together, we can create a world where every mother has the support she needs to breastfeed. Hygeia Health is committed to supporting mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Our breast pumps are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind, but we know that a great pump is just one piece of the puzzle. We believe in providing comprehensive support, including education, resources, and community.

Let’s continue to celebrate the power of breast milk in the month of August, but we will advocate for policies that support breastfeeding families every month of the year.

Best Practices For Your Breastfeeding Journey

Best Practices For Your Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding comes naturally, but mastering it can be a whole different story. From latching to milk supply, there’s a lot to learn. In alignment with World Breastfeeding Week, we’ve put together a list of best practices for your breastfeeding journey that are applicable to all moms. 

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact, often called kangaroo care, is a powerful tool for bonding and baby’s health. This magical moment, where the baby rests on the mom’s bare chest, helps regulate the baby’s body temperature, heart rate, and breathing. It’s a natural way to soothe the baby and encourage breastfeeding. Plus, it releases those feel-good hormones for both mom and babe, strengthening the bond. 

Early and Frequent Feeding

The more often you feed your baby, the better your milk supply will be. Try to feed your baby on demand, whenever they show signs of hunger. This can be challenging when it leads to regular night feeds, but bear in mind it won’t last forever.

Proper Latch

A good latch is key to comfortable breastfeeding. If you’re having trouble, a lactation consultant can help. A good latch means your baby’s mouth is open wide, with their lips flanged outward, and their chin touching your breast and it should not be painful. 

Build a Support System

Having people to support you is important. This could be your partner, family, friends, or a breastfeeding support group. If you don’t have people at home with you for support, don’t make the mistake of thinking you have to go it alone. If there are no local groups, there are options for online support groups

Take Care of Yourself

Don’t forget a key aspect of successful breastfeeding: YOU! While the baby is a priority, part of that comes with taking care of the mother’s body. It is equipped to produce the number one nutritional substance for babies: breast milk. Eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting enough rest are essential for breastfeeding success.


Not every mom has the intention to pump during her breastfeeding journey, but if you plan to pump, it’s important to find a pump that’s comfortable and efficient. Hygeia Health offers a high-quality breast pump to support your journey. The lightweight and cordless Hygeia Express travels well with hospital-grade strength and gentle comfort. Check with your insurance to see if you receive full coverage on a pump and consider taking advantage of it even if you don’t plan to pump your milk. Emergency situations, such as NICU stays, can result in a need to pump and you’ll be glad you have it.

Don’t Give Up

Breastfeeding can be a learning process. It might take some time to get the hang of it, but be patient with yourself, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it.

Keep in mind that every mother’s breastfeeding journey is different. What works for one mom might not work for another. The most important thing is to do what’s best for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding Essentials: Pack Your Hospital Bag for Success!

Breastfeeding Essentials: Pack Your Hospital Bag for Success!

Newborn photos and swaddles are adorable, but what about YOU, mama? When it’s time to nurse your little one for the first time, what will you need by your side?

Breastfeeding Essentials for a Smooth Start

Let’s address the pump question: Most hospitals provide lactation consultants and pumps for postpartum use. Breathe easy! Call your hospital beforehand to see what breastfeeding supplies they offer and confirm lactation consultant availability. These experts are there to answer your questions and help you achieve a successful breastfeeding journey.

Now, let’s explore additional items to maximize your breastfeeding comfort during those precious hospital days:

  • Nursing Bras and Tanks: Easy Access
    Who needs modesty when you’re a superhero fueling your newborn? Choose bras and tanks that prioritize easy latching and skin-to-skin contact.
    Products to check out: Bravado Designs, Kindred Bravely, Bodily
  • Nursing Pads: Leakproof Protection
    These lifesavers absorb leaks and safeguard your clothes. Disposable or washable options are available, so pick your preference.
    Products to check out: Lansinoh disposable or Lansinoh Washable, Bamboobies,
  • Nipple Cream: Soothing Soreness
    Breastfeeding is natural, but soreness can happen. Lanolin-based creams are popular choices to soothe any discomfort or cracking.
    Products to check out: Lansinoh, Earth Mama Angel Baby, Mother Love
  • Feeding Pillow: Positioning Perfection
    A nursing pillow can be a game-changer, especially for first-time moms. It provides support and frees up your arms for optimal baby positioning during feeds.
    Products to check out: My Brest Friend, Twin Z Pillow
  • Pajamas, Gowns, or Robes: Comfy Clothes are Key
    Embrace comfort above all else! Pack loose-fitting clothes that grant easy access for breastfeeding. A robe that layers over your nursing bra or tank can be a lifesaver, too.
  • Water Bottle: Stay Hydrated
    As a breastfeeding mama, hydration is crucial. Pack your favorite reusable water bottle and keep it within reach. You’ll thank yourself later!

Remember: Your milk supply takes a few days to come in fully. Initially, your body produces colostrum, often called “liquid gold.” This amazing substance is exactly what your newborn needs. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see a massive “milk” supply in the first 48 hours. It’ll come after the colostrum, but let that newborn drink up the gold while it’s there. 

Bonus Tip: Some insurance plans cover breast pump accessories and replacement parts. Let us help you check your coverage and consider getting a hospital-grade pump through insurance. Hygeia provides a variety of accessories that compliment your Hygeia breast pump. Check out our pump and accessories on our website.