September is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month (NICU Awareness), a time to recognize the incredible strength and resilience of NICU families. For mothers of NICU babies, breastfeeding can be a source of comfort, connection, and nourishment.

Challenges Faced by NICU Moms

NICU moms often face unique challenges in all aspects of mothering a newborn, but specifically, breastfeeding a NICU baby can be particularly difficult. These challenges may include:

Separation from their baby: Being unable to hold and feed baby can be emotionally taxing.

Pumping challenges: Maintaining milk supply while baby is in the NICU can be physically demanding.

Stress and anxiety: The stress of having a baby in the NICU can impact a mother’s milk supply as well as the overall ability to breastfeed.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding a NICU Baby

Despite these challenges, breastfeeding a NICU baby offers numerous benefits and is still very possible. Some of these benefits include:

Colostrum: The first milk produced after birth is rich in nutrients and antibodies that can help protect your baby from infections. While baby may not be able to latch, a mom can pump and the colostrum can still nourish baby. 

Reduced risk of infections: Breast milk contains antibodies that can help protect your baby from infections, which are common in NICU babies.

Improved growth and development: Breast milk is specifically designed to meet your baby’s nutritional needs and can help promote healthy growth and development, which are all the more necessary in premature births and NICU babies in general.

Stronger bond: Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby, even if they are still in the NICU and you cannot have skin-to-skin contact. 

Support NICU Moms

Supporting a mother of a NICU baby can make a world of difference. By offering your support, you can help a NICU mom feel less alone and more empowered to care for her baby. Here are a few ways you can offer your support:

Be there for her: First and foremost, offer emotional support, a listening ear, and words of encouragement.

Help with practical tasks: Helping with what seem like simple household chores, errands, or childcare for older children can make a world of difference to a stressed NICU mom.

Respect her feelings: Understand that she may be feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Avoid making assumptions or offering unsolicited advice.

Connect her with resources: While you do have to be careful about unsolicited advice, it can be helpful to be sure she is connected with information about local support groups, lactation consultants, or other resources that can help her.

Celebrate her strength: No matter how small, take time to acknowledge her resilience and the challenges she is facing. Let her know that you appreciate her strength and courage.

How Hygeia Health Can Help

At Hygeia Health, we understand the unique challenges faced by NICU moms and are here to give the best support. 

Support resources: We offer resources and support to help NICU moms on their breastfeeding journey. Our website provides information on breastfeeding and pumping, and our customer service team is available to answer your questions.

Lactation assistance: Access an expert anytime, anywhere for assurance and support on your breastfeeding journey. We partner with Nest Collaborative to provide virtual breastfeeding consults covered by most insurance plans at no cost to you. 

Get a free breast pump: We believe that every mother should have access to the tools and support they need to breastfeed their baby. That’s why we offer a free breast pump to NICU moms through our NICU Mom Support Program. Our high-quality breast pumps are designed to make pumping easier and more efficient, allowing you to focus on bonding with your baby.

Let’s work together to support NICU families and celebrate the incredible strength and resilience of these amazing mothers.