Breastfeeding is a beautiful journey, but it’s not always easy. Many mothers face significant obstacles that can make breastfeeding challenging to sustain. This World Breastfeeding Week, we want to shed light on these struggles and obstacles and offer support. This blog post will dive into those challenges.

Physical Challenges

Sore nipples, engorgement, and mastitis–ever heard of those? These are some of the most common physical hurdles moms face. These can be incredibly painful and downright discouraging for a mom. No matter how much she understands the benefits of breastfeeding, the pain can cause a mom to want to give up or feel incapable. Lack of sleep in the early days and weeks after birth, coupled with the demands of a newborn, can further exacerbate these issues.

One of the major causes for physical challenges, though, is inadequate latching, which is often a result of a mom not being well supported after birth. This can be particularly true for a first time breastfeeding mom who doesn’t receive support from a lactation consultant. When breastfeeding support is lacking from the start, a mom can be quickly deterred.

Psychological Challenges

While the previously mentioned painful experiences of things like cracked and bleeding nipples may sound traumatic, physical challenges are often treated and managed more easily than the mental issues moms can face. 

Feeling inadequate, stressed, or isolated is not an uncommon experience for breastfeeding mothers. The pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, especially when coupled with the mantra that “breastfeeding is natural”. The physical struggles coupled with the flood of hormones that follow delivery can result in postpartum depression and anxiety, which can further complicate the early breastfeeding journey.

Additionally, some moms struggle with body image concerns. Bodies obviously change through pregnancy, and, typically, they don’t simply “bounce back” to their pre-pregnancy shape, weight, and size. Living in a ‘new’ body can also lead to mental challenges for moms.

Societal and Environmental Challenges

Lack of workplace support is a major barrier for many mothers in their breastfeeding journey. Limited maternity leave, lack of lactation rooms, and negative attitudes towards breastfeeding can make it difficult for working moms to continue breastfeeding once returning to work.

Additionally, access to quality healthcare and lactation support is also crucial to breastfeeding success, and unfortunately, in many corners of the world ( even in the United States), not every mom has both or either of these things.

Other socioeconomic disparities can impact a mother’s ability to access these resources, such as income, education, geographic location, and racial/ethnic disparities. Discrimination can play a role for some, as can living in a rural or low income area.

Knowledge and Information Gaps

Misinformation about breastfeeding is prevalent. Many mothers lack the knowledge and support they need to overcome challenges and this can lead to early cessation of breastfeeding.

Hygeia Health is committed to supporting mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Our breast pumps are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind. But we know that a great breast pump is just one piece of the puzzle. We believe in providing comprehensive support, including education, resources, and community.

By understanding the challenges mothers face, we can work together to create a more supportive environment for breastfeeding. Let’s break down the barriers and continue to close the gap that will help mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals.