There is no reason to question your body when you don’t see milky white flowing from your breast when your baby arrives. The yellow, thicker liquid isn’t a sign that your milk has gone bad. In fact, this liquid gold is exactly what your body is meant to produce and exactly what your baby is craving.

Colostrum, often referred to as “liquid gold,” is the yellowish sticky substance your body produces in the first few days after childbirth before your regular breast milk comes in. It might be small in volume, but it packs a powerful punch! Here’s why it’s so important:

Immune system booster packed with antibodies

Colostrum is rich in secretory IgA antibodies, which act like a shield for your baby’s developing immune system. These antibodies line your baby’s intestines and respiratory tract, protecting them from germs and viruses in their new world.

“[Colostrum is] low in volume but high in protective factors, especially secretory IgA antibodies. These antibodies are passed directly from mom to baby through colostrum, providing immediate immune defense against illnesses like influenza, rotavirus, and ear infections.” – Dr. Tanya Altmann, pediatrician and co-founder of The Lactation Network

Nutrient Powerhouse

Don’t let the small amount fool you! Colostrum is concentrated with nutrients, high in protein, and low in sugar and fat. This makes it easy for your newborn’s tiny tummy to digest and provides essential energy for those early adjustments to life outside the womb.

“Colostrum is also high in protein and low in fat and sugar, making it easily digested by a newborn’s immature stomach.” – World Health Organization

Laxative Effect

More good news–Colostrum acts as a gentle, natural laxative! It helps your baby expel their first stool, which, don’t be alarmed, is a sticky, dark substance called meconium. Meconium accumulates in the baby’s intestines during pregnancy and needs to be eliminated to prevent problems like jaundice.

“Colostrum acts as a natural laxative, helping your baby pass its first stool (meconium).” –American Academy of Pediatrics

Promotes Gut Health

The foundation for good gut health starts early! Colostrum introduces beneficial bacteria that contribute to a healthy gut microbiome in your baby. This microbiome plays a vital role in digestion, immune function, and overall health.

“The initial exposure to bacteria through colostrum plays a crucial role in shaping the infant’s gut microbiome. Colostrum’s prebiotics, along with potentially some live bacteria of its own, act as a foundation for a diverse and balanced gut community.“ -Dr. Lilian Cheung, a pediatric gastroenterologist

Emotional Bonding

While it doesn’t come directly from the colostrum, the immediate focus on skin-to-skin contact, which is encouraged during colostrum feeding, promotes emotional bonding between you and your baby. This closeness releases feel-good hormones and helps regulate your baby’s body temperature.

“Skin-to-skin contact in the first 48 hours helps regulate the baby’s body temperature, heart rate, and breathing.” –Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM)

Colostrum is a natural wonder food designed to give your baby the best possible start. While the amount may seem small, its impact on your newborn’s health is truly significant. So relax, mama! Your body is perfectly designed to nourish your little one.